Episcopal Cathedral of Curtea de Arges is one of the most important examples of religious architecture in Romania and burial place for many Romanian kings  Built about 1517 the church is a unique blend of western and eastern arabic and ottoman design and

Episcopal Cathedral of Curtea de Arges is one of the most important examples of religious architecture in Romania and burial place for many Romanian kings Built about 1517 the church is a unique blend of western and eastern arabic and ottoman design and

Bildnummer: 70315881
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © Image Professionals / age fotostock
Bildagentur: lookphotos
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
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  • not available in ES
Druckgröße: ca. 17,07 × 11,38 inch bei 300dpi
geeignet für Formate bis Ledger (11” × 17”)

Preise für dieses Bild

ab 270 $
ab 535 $


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