Paris 4th district - Island of the City - Western facade of Notre-Dame-de-Paris - Statues decorating the left-hand side of the gate of the Judgment - These statues destroyed during the Revolution were restored by Viollet Le Duc in 19th century

Paris 4th district - Island of the City - Western facade of Notre-Dame-de-Paris - Statues decorating the left-hand side of the gate of the Judgment - These statues destroyed during the Revolution were restored by Viollet Le Duc in 19th century

Bildnummer: 70441401
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © Image Professionals / Photononstop
Bildagentur: lookphotos
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
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  • not available in FR
Druckgröße: ca. 13,63 × 20,48 inch bei 300dpi
geeignet für Formate bis Ledger (11” × 17”)

Preise für dieses Bild

ab 270 $
ab 535 $


Architektur Arrondissement Aussen Bildkategorien Christentum Dom Europa Frankreich Gotik Gotisch Hauptstadt Kathedrale Katholizismus Kirchenarchitektur Kunst Mittelalter Notre-Dame Paris Reise Religion Religiöse Architektur Renovieren Restaurieren Sinnlichkeit Skulptur Städtische Szene Statue Stein

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