Navajo trail guide Nathan James, of Totsonii Ranch at Canyon de Chelly National Monument in eastern Arizona, leads a ride to the canyon floor. The park, still populated by Navajo farms and ranches, requires a Navajo guide for access to most of the canyon

Navajo trail guide Nathan James, of Totsonii Ranch at Canyon de Chelly National Monument in eastern Arizona, leads a ride to the canyon floor. The park, still populated by Navajo farms and ranches, requires a Navajo guide for access to most of the canyon

Navajo trail guide Nathan James, of Totsonii Ranch at Canyon de Chelly National Monument in eastern Arizona, leads a ride to the canyon floor. The park, still populated by Navajo farms and ranches, requires a Navajo guide for access to most of the canyon
Bildnummer: 70499763
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Fotograf: © Image Professionals / Cavan Images
Bildagentur: lookphotos
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