'A belly dancer dressed in a traditional costume whirls a strip of chiffon as she performs.    Belly dance is a Western-coined name for a traditional Middle Eastern dance. The term ''Belly dance'' is a misnomer as all parts of the body are involved in the

'A belly dancer dressed in a traditional costume whirls a strip of chiffon as she performs. Belly dance is a Western-coined name for a traditional Middle Eastern dance. The term ''Belly dance'' is a misnomer as all parts of the body are involved in the

Bildnummer: 70499992
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © Image Professionals / Cavan Images
Bildagentur: lookphotos
Modell-Rechte: vorhanden

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ab 390 $


Bauchtanz Bildkategorien Chiffon Hüfte Hüften Kostüm Künstler Performance Schwarzer Hintergrund Tanz Tanzen

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