Canada. Province of Quebec. Quebec town. The Citadel shelters the 22nd Royal Regiment, the only French-speaking regiment of Canada. The changing of the guard. The goatherd chief  with the billy goat, the mascot of the regiment

Canada. Province of Quebec. Quebec town. The Citadel shelters the 22nd Royal Regiment, the only French-speaking regiment of Canada. The changing of the guard. The goatherd chief with the billy goat, the mascot of the regiment

Bildnummer: 71157725
Lizenzart: Lizenzpflichtig
Fotograf: © Image Professionals / Photononstop
Bildagentur: lookphotos
Rechte: Exklusivrechte auf Anfrage verfügbar
  • clearance required for commercial uses
  • not available in FR
Druckgröße: ca. 17 × 17 inch bei 300dpi
geeignet für Formate bis Ledger (11” × 17”)

Preise für dieses Bild

ab 270 $
ab 535 $


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