Aelpler Magroone: macaroni and potato dish from Switzerland

Aelpler Magroone: macaroni and potato dish from Switzerland

Image ID: 00924992
License type: Royalty-free
Photographer: © Image Professionals / Foodcollection
Image agency: StockFood

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Aelpler Magronen Aelpler Magroone Älpler Magronen Antihypertensive Atkins Diet Baked Blur Blurred Browning Casserole Casserole (savoury) Detail Dish Entrée Foodcollection Gratinate Gratinating Holiday kitchen Low Carb Low Carbohydrate Low-Carbohydrate Macaroni Main Course Main Dish No One No-One Nobody Noodle Bake Noodle Casserole Onion Out Of Focus Oven Baked Oven-Baked Oven-Cooked Dish over bake Pasta Bake Pasta Casserole Potato Potato Dish potatoes Recipe on request Savoury Soft Focus Spoon Spoons Studio Photo Studio Shot Swiss Cooking Swiss Cuisine Swiss Food Switzerland Unfocused Vegetarian West Europe West European Cooking West European Cuisine Western Europe Western European Cooking Western European Cuisine

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